Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday Waffler: Island Transportation Corp.

I have trouble imagining how they arrived at this logo, but I can’t help sort of loving its brazen oddness. Seriously, that eye has nothing to do with the name, and yet there it is staring down tailgaters. On the other hand, who doesn’t love a rebus. But why stop with the eye? Where’s the cup of earl grey and map of the Adriatic?

What do you think, Pr*tty or Sh*tty?


  1. I think it's supposed to be "I" TC, as in Island Transportation Company or something. Still scary...

  2. The Masons have their hands in Everything.

  3. Anonymous, yes, clearly it's supposed to ITC. Hence my comments about the rebus. But there's no clear reason why they're using an eye in place of the I in the first place. Maybe they transport tankers full of Visine?

  4. its super creepy. i say pr*tty for halloween's sake

  5. I really do not understand what the eye has at all to do with Island Transportation Company, but I guess I might find it unusual or interesting to drive behind this truck. Is it staring at me?

  6. It stands for I.T.C as in Island Transportation Corp. I used to work for them. We called it ITC for short; when talking about the company. Hence, the EYE.

  7. Holy crap, Anonymous_24_Feb, are you seriously leaving that comment? This post has all of 7 comments before yours and you couldn't bother to read them to see that I already addressed this issue.

    Of course it's an "I". That's why I talk about the rebus in the post. Don't know what a rebus is? Look it up.

    Also see my my response above to the earlier Anonymous person who doesn't get that I get what the eye stands for.

  8. It's very clear that the company is associated with freemasons. Single eye is one of their symbols. TC, sure could mean transportation corp, but could also mean trilateral commission, another masonic organization.
    As a faithful catholic, it's becoming scary to watch these masons starting to emerge and can see the end of the world coming.
